Starting off in 2021: 5 Best Ways To Market Your IT Solutions

The age-old method of relying on referrals and networking with prospects to boost your MSP business is dying out since the pandemic. It is time to move on and find newer routes to get your business in front of prospective clients. There are some things to consider as more and more companies start remote working and their digital transformation journeys.
You need to start marketing your IT solutions in fresh and unique ways. Here is a list of innovative methods to help you nail MSP marketing in 2021.
Pay Heed To The Latest Digital Marketing Strategies
There are multiple MSP-oriented agencies that can help you reach your full potential in the digital marketing arena. But before approaching these seasoned professionals, start out by focusing on improving your corporate website experience and defining a solid promotional strategy. Follow these tips when building a specific plan:
- Draft a customer persona.
- Write down your goals and tools you have at your disposal.
- Audit your existing digital channels, web pages and assets.
- Optimize your website for mobile users.
- Automate your repetitive marketing initiatives.Â
- Analyze the marketing activities that your competitors deploy and gain insights from them.
- Identify your unique selling points to present for prospective customers.
- Manage your online reputation and be available for the customers to reach out on any of the digital platforms.
- Track the relevant metrics.
Find out more on how to increase your inbound leads in this blog.
Ensure Your MSP Business Is Locally Optimized
A web-development company reports that 46% of all searches on Google are looking for local information. Your managed services business has many potential clients in your particular locality or region. Therefore, it is imperative to make sure that these prospects can find you by investing in a robust local SEO initiative.Â
If you are wondering what it means, this procedure enhances your website’s rankings for people searching for similar companies in a specific geographical area. These searches cater to the localized needs of that individual. That is how these programs vary from traditional SEO practices. To make your managed services company is locally visible, follow these procedures:
- Check the accuracy of your business’ name, address, and phone number.
- Create a “Google My Business” profile.
- Develop specific local landing pages.
- Track the program’s overall progress.
Get Started With PPC Ads Using An Effective Strategy and MetricsÂ
Pay per click advertising is one of the most popular methods for generating leads, and Google Ads is the right platform. Any business ads you create using this program will appear whenever a prospect uses the popular search engine. For MSP businesses, cost per click ads on Google Ads depend upon the keywords specific to its location and search volume. You will need to test the following criteria:
- The keywords and bid prices which work best for your MSP’s location.
- Your target audience & their geography.
- Your holistic online marketing budget.Â
- The quality and relevance of each keyword/ad campaign.
- Conversion value or cost for each keyword.

Interact With Local Companies On LinkedIn
Looking for a low-cost way of generating leads and promoting your IT solution providing business? Look no further than this professional platform to interact with companies near you. All you need to do is set up a LinkedIn PPC ad with these things in mind:
- Identify the right messaging strategy.
- Define your audience.
- Send out connection requests to key decision-makers of prospective corporate clients.
- Conduct A/B testing for different messaging styles once you have a sizeable audience of local business connections.
- Deliver a piece of high-value content with this message with a specific call to action to evaluate the response and drive awareness.
Broadcast Your Company’s Values Via Different Digital Platforms
Your end goal should be to make your business stand out and relay its core values to customers who use a variety of social media channels. As those prospective clients start to adopt and adapt new technologies, they will need experts like you beside them to guide them all the way. It would be best to provide those prospects with relevant information about your IT stack and the value your team can bring to their businesses. You can develop multiple forms of marketing collateral such as press releases, social media posts, white papers, webinars, podcasts, events, and videos to achieve that objective.
MSPs should join different social media communities to raise awareness of their businesses and portfolios. Create a plan to generate demand and capture leads. Activities such as appointment scheduling, email marketing, tracking downloads of white papers and case studies, identifying website visitors, and conducting SEO programs and content marketing will help you increase awareness.Â
Now is not the time to sit back and wait for prospects to come knocking on your door. A proactive approach in your marketing efforts will give your MSP business the boost it needs to outperform the competition. You need to employ multiple methods (from those mentioned above) to guarantee success, as no single activity will allow you to achieve success.