On-demand Webinar

How to Speed up Your Sales Process and Win More Deals

If you’ve ever wondered how your team might be able close more deals and remove unnecessary friction from the sales process, then look no further.

Our Industry Experts
Shannon Murphy
Chief Marketer at Zomentum
Pete Matheson
Ex MSP CEO, and head of Continuity Video @Continuity
Jamie Daum
Ex Autotask and Founder of Continuity Marketing @Continuity

The competition to sell more IT Services is increasing. But as a business owner, you cannot survive the fierce competition with just technical expertise. That’s why we have our panel of experts from Continuity Marketing sharing their insights on how you can crack more deals with a faster sales process. DO NOT MISS Jaime Daum and Pete Matheson, spilling the secrets on setting up your sales structure, personalizing sales with video, choosing the right tools, and how to position your services so you can accelerate sales and grow revenue.

Key takeaways from this webinar: