On-demand Webinar

Time to Level Up: Building Your First Sales Team

It is no secret that a strong sales team fuels long-term growth. But setting up your first team isn’t easy. It requires the right mix of strategies, processes, and tools, all driven by the organization’s goals and what it wants to achieve.

Our Industry Experts
Shannon Murphy
Chief Marketer at Zomentum
Jamie Williams
Sales and Marketing Specialist - YourSalesEnergy.com
Tom Watson
Channel Chief Advisor - MSPGo & NinjaRMM

It is no secret that a strong sales team fuels long-term growth. But doing so requires the right mix of strategies, methods, and tools, all driven by your business goals and what you want to achieve. That’s why we have IT sales experts Jaime Williams and Tom Watson, helping you with insights on how to set up your first sales team. Catch them tackling important questions around hiring, networking, compensation, incentives, and following best practices that help your salespeople win more deals and keep your revenue flowing.

Key takeaways from this webinar: